Notice Of a Public Meeting of

City Of York Council



 (Standing Advisory Council On Religious Education)











Councillors Cullwick, Cuthbertson, Fitzpatrick and

Rowley, John Thompson, Daryoush Mazloum,

Kevin Duffy, Ben Rich, Rev Keith Albans, Tracey

Copestake, Penny Coppin-Siddall, Ian Hodgson,

Olivia Seymour, Katherine Harper, Claire

Hennigan, Brenda Christison



Wednesday, 14 October 2020



5.30 pm



Remote Meeting via Zoom







1.          Election of Chair 





2.          Election of Vice Chair 





3.          Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest 





4.          Minutes of Previous Meetings 

(Pages 1 - 16)


To approve the minutes of the previous SACRE meetings held on 8 July 2019, 7 January 2020 and 1 July 2020.




5.          Report from Agreed Syllabus Conference (ASC)  including decisions made and next steps 



A verbal update will be given to provide Members with an update on the decisions made at the ASC and the next steps to be taken.




6.          Draft of Annual Report received 

(Pages 17 - 20)


To receive and consider the draft Annual Report. This is a requirement at this meeting in order to meet the national deadline for final approval to send to the Secretary of State.




7.          National Data 



Members will receive a report on the national data for GCSEs and A Levels. This will include a break down from schools compared with the national link to NATRE and REC reports.




8.          Progress towards Development Plan 



To receive a report on progress towards the Development Plan.




9.          Monitoring of Standards 



A verbal update will be given on the current context of Ofsted Reports, Local Authority monitoring and SACRE support.




10.      National RE and Collective Worship updates 

(Pages 21 - 24)


To receive a report detailing NASACRE updates.




11.      Correspondence on complaints / determinations 



A verbal update will be given on complaints received and the  determinations in respect of those complaints.




12.      Urgent Business 





13.      Future meeting dates 



4 November at 4.30pm or 2 December at 4.30pm

